Gotta love this sorry excuse for a congressman and extreme/extremist hypocrite (click on image to “embiggen” and you’ll see that Bob Goodlatte was one of just a handful of congresscritters voting no earlier today on Hurricane Sandy relief).
This is the same guy, by the way, who after Tropical Storm Lee in 2011, signed a letter to President Obama “supporting Gov. Bob McDonnell’s request for federal disaster aid for damage caused by Tropical Storm Lee Sept. 8 and 9 in Fairfax and Prince William counties.” But when it comes to people in other states who are hurting from a natural disaster, BADlatte’s attitude is for them to take a long walk off a short (or in this case, destroyed or damaged) pier. What a horrible – nasty, mean, hypocritical, you name it – human being.
P.S. Also see here for BADlatte complaining that FEMA denied Gov. McDonnell’s request for federal disaster assistance resulting from tornadoes in 2011.