Home 2019 Elections Virginia Independent Green Party Launches Draft Bill Bolling for Governor Effort

Virginia Independent Green Party Launches Draft Bill Bolling for Governor Effort


I never realized Bill Bolling was a big advocate of rail, but the Independent Greens – the party of Gail “For Rail” Parker, who ran for U.S. Senate in 2006 – apparently believe he is. See the Independent Green Party’s statement on the “flip,” courtesy of The Richmonder. This could be fun. 🙂

Independent Green Party leaders are very serious about Bill Bolling as their Independent Green Party candidate for Governor. Led by the Indy Green Party state Vice Chair, Gail “for Rail” Parker, and Denny McKell (Gail “for Rail” and McKell are both U.S. Air Force retirees), the Indy Greens have established a political action committee (PAC). Now the Independent Green Party team has a Draft Bill Bolling web site: www.draftbill.org.

An alliance between Bill Bolling and the Independent Greens makes sense. The Indy Green Party has a proven record of collecting thousands of petition signatures across Virginia every year. Bolling will need 10,000 valid signatures to get on the ballot. That means Indy Greens would need to collect 20,000 signatures for Bolling. Some Independent Greens started collecting signatures in January.

The Independent Green Party group has released a series of video press releases urging Bill Bolling to run for Governor as Independent Green Party candidate. Denny McKell is a retired TV and radio producer, and newsman. McKell produced the video press releases for his Independent Green Party.

“We need ‘More Trains, Less Traffic!” says Gail “for Rail” Parker, the retired U.S. Air Force officer and former two-time statewide on-the-ballot candidate for US Senate (2006 & 2008).

“An alliance with the Independent Green Party of Virginia and Bill Bolling as our Indy Green candidate for Governor can provide positive pro-business, and pro-rail policy to grow the economy and create sustainable rail, solar, wind, and geothermal energy jobs.” Gail “for Rail” Parker has been on the ballot as an Indy Green Party rail advocate for each of the last 8 years. The Independent Greens are Virginia’s most successful on ballot third party in Virginia in a century.

The Independent Green Party is recruiting candidates for House of Delegates across Virginia. Indy Greens hope to run a full slate of 100 House of Delegates candidates this year.


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