Staunton City Council to Send Letter to Gov. McDonnell Opposing Hybrid Tax


    As the petition by Delegate Scott Surovell and Senator Adam Ebbin against the absurd hybrid tax surpasses 5,000 signatures, I’m happy to hear that the Staunton City Council is joining in the call for Bob McDonnell to veto this monstrosity. What I’m hearing is that the Staunton City Council has decided to send a letter to Gov. McDonnell, urging him to veto the hybrid tax, with Council Member Bruce Elder also saying that he’s pushing Harrisonburg and Charlottesville to sign on as well.

    I hope to see a lot of other City Councils and County Boards joining in with Staunton (and hopefully Harrisonburg and Charlottesville…and Fairfax, Arlington, Richmond, Roanoke, Norfolk, etc.) on this issue as soon as possible. This is terrible policy – a perverse incentive if there ever was such a thing – and it’s not as if it’s even going to raise a significant amount of money for transportation. Basically, it’s just vindictive against hybrid owners, most of whom I’d guess probably don’t vote Republican, and a big sloppy wet kiss to the oil industry. Yeah, I know, blech!  


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