Home Transportation Tea Party Issues Urgent Call for Action Against “Soviet” Arlington Streetcar…Because AGENDA...

Tea Party Issues Urgent Call for Action Against “Soviet” Arlington Streetcar…Because AGENDA 21!!!


From the latest (3/24/13) Northern Virginia Tea Party Newsletter, these people are seriously – as in, this apparently isn’t parody – opposing the proposed Arlington County streetcar project because of…wait for it…Agenda 21. What is this evil known as Agenda 21, you ask? How about “a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development?” Crazy, I know. And speaking of tinfoil-hat crazy, Glenn Beck opposes it because…”This used to be called America. Now it is just ‘the Republic.’ There is no president. No congress. No freedom. There is only Agenda 21.” And it all starts with a seemingly innocuous streetcar line in Arlington County, Virginia. Shuddderrrrr… (snark)

P.S. Needless to say, I strongly urge non-Tea-Party Arlingtonians to come out in large numbers Wednesday evening to express your support for the streetcar, and to say NO to John Bircher/tinfoil hat nuttiness.


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