The State Department Plays Early April Fool’s Gag on Environmental Movement: Surprise!


    Either the U.S. Department of State is playing an early April fool’s gag or the environmental movement has taken another huge setback in efforts to, well, save the planet (no big deal!). Environmental leaders were clearly left befuddled when the State Department concluded in its report on Friday that the Keystone XL Pipeline is not the environmental threat that concerned citizens of the planet fear. Take the knife out of my back, President Obama (no, John Kerry shouldn’t take the fall if the pipeline is ultimately approved)!

    Yes, I was there on that absurdly cold day in February of this year when thousands of concerned citizens of the planet assembled in Washington, D.C. to demonstrate their concern about the earth warming effects of the Keystone XL pipeline. I was there and I saw thousands of individuals of different colors, backgrounds, religions, political beliefs, and choice of footwear clearly state that the Keystone XL Pipeline is not the way forward for America. But the State Department knows best, right?

    IF the Keystone XL pipeline is approved, it will not only be a slap in the face to the environmental movement by President Obama, it will more importantly be one more fatal step towards ‘runaway’ climate change. That isn’t exactly the change millions of Americans hoped for when they voted for President Obama.

    The final decision on the pipeline hasn’t been made, of course, but the State Department’s recent report makes it even more difficult for President Obama to shun our friends to the north and their dreams of a tarsands-filled future. It makes Democrats in Congress even more reluctant to oppose a pipeline that, according to the State Department, offers no scientific faux pas.

    Oh, these are dark days my friends. Hold on to your loved ones, your pets, your nearest pillow. I think we may need something to hold to get through these next few weeks!

    P.S. Dear Earth, sorry we let you down.


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