Home Virginia Politics Video: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring on the Politics Hour Says VA Dems...

Video: DPVA Chair Charniele Herring on the Politics Hour Says VA Dems “poised for success”


About an hour ago, DPVA Chair Charniele Herring was on The Politics Hour on WAMU. Here are my tweets from this segment:

*Dems “poised for success in Virginia,” “ready for a change in governorship”

*Bills to restrict women’s reproductive rights “woke up voters,” Virginia “testing ground” for national level.

*Virginia needs to stop passing bills that alienate people, make them second guess whether they should live here.

*Under divisive Republicans like Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia is slipping in terms of a place to do business.

*Confident Virginia transportation bill passes constitutional muster, was fully vetted by legal counsel

*We can gain seats in Virginia House of Delegates this year, including in the 16 Obama districts held by GOP’ers

*Strong ground game is crucial for 2013 elections in Virginia, need to turn out Obama/Kaine voters.

*Virginia Democrats need to build a bench of potential candidates, will be a long-term effort.

*Charnielle Herring hopes Gov. Bob McDonnell strikes hybrid fee and replaces the revenues with something else.


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