Home Politicians A Dozen Ways Corrupt Rod Blagojevich Was a Better Governor than Corrupt...

A Dozen Ways Corrupt Rod Blagojevich Was a Better Governor than Corrupt Bob McDonnell


(Given recent developments, I thought this story was worth pushing back up to the top. The question is, which governor was/is more corrupt? I’m leaning towards McDonnell, in part because he actually managed to get $$$ for his corruption. I’m not sure Blago actually pulled that one off. – promoted by lowkell)

True, in some ways (corruption, bribery) Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell is becoming a lot like disgraced (and convicted) former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. But in terms of accomplishments while in office, McDonnell is actually much worse than Blagojevich. Here are a dozen examples of how Blagojevich kicks McDonnell’s butt. Seriously, can you think of anything McDonnell’s accomplished in any of the following areas that even comes close to what Gov. Blagojevich accomplished? I mean, heck, they are/were both totally corrupt, but at least Blagojevich improved things for a lot of people in his state. McDonnell? Well he did…uh…then he…and…uh….

1. “All Kids” Health Care (11/15/05): “Surrounded by elementary students and parents, lawmakers, health care providers and children’s advocates at Nathan Hale School in Chicago, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed the landmark All Kids plan into law, making Illinois the only state in the nation to provide affordable, comprehensive health insurance for every child in the state.”

2. Minimum Wage Increased (11/18/06): “Governor Blagojevich signs groundbreaking legislation to increase minimum wage in Illinois – Nearly 650,000 Illinois workers to benefit as minimum hourly wage increases to $7.50; Wage to reach $8.25 by 2010”

3. Preschool for All (7/25/06): “Gov. Blagojevich signs groundbreaking Preschool for All legislation – Illinois becomes the first state in nation to give all three- and four-year-olds the opportunity to attend preschool”

4. Illinois Warriors Assistance Program (1/29/08): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich was joined today by Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) Tammy Duckworth, Director of the Illinois Healthcare and Family Services Barry Maram, representatives from the Illinois Psychiatric Society, the Brain Injury Association of Illinois, the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, and local veterans to launch the Illinois Warrior Assistance Program.  The Illinois Warrior Assistance Program is a first in the nation program that will screen returning Illinois National Guard members for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while offering TBI screening to all Illinois veterans, and a 24-hour toll-free psychological helpline for veterans suffering from symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”

5. Global Warming (11/15/07): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and the governors of Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin today signed the Midwestern Regional Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord, strengthening his commitment to fight global warming in Illinois and throughout the Midwest.  This historic agreement aims to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in Illinois and across the region.  The Accord will help achieve the goal Gov. Blagojevich announced in February to reduce GHGs in Illinois to 1990 levels by 2020 and to 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.”

6. Clean Energy (2/14/05): “The Governor’s proposed Renewable Portfolio Standard would require electric utilities or other electricity suppliers to provide 2% renewable energy to their Illinois customers by 2006, increasing 1% annually to 8% by 2012.  This requirement would mean that nearly 4,000 megawatts of power be generated by renewable sources by 2012, enough to serve nearly 1,000,000 Illinois households.  At least 75% of renewable energy – or 3,000 megawatts – would be generated by wind power.”

7. Mercury Emissions (1/7/06): “The state of Illinois is taking action to cut mercury emissions from power plants by 90 percent over the next three and a half years. Governor Rod Blagojevich unveiled the proposal Thursday, saying it will reduce toxic mercury emissions faster and more thoroughly than new federal restrictions adopted last spring and will achieve the largest overall amount of mercury reduction of any state in the country.”

8. Embryonic Stem Cell Research (8/28/07): “Governor Blagojevich signs law reaffirming Illinois’ commitment to stem cell research – Legislation permits embryonic stem cell researchers to receive state funds”

9. Public Transit (10/23/08): “Beginning Friday, low-income disabled individuals will be allowed free rides on all regularly scheduled buses and trains that run on fixed-routes throughout the state.  Governor Rod R. Blagojevich welcomed the implementation of the new People with Disabilities Ride Free program for which he signed Senate Bill 1920 in August, which requires transit systems throughout the state to provide free rides to people with disabilities who meet the income requirements of the State’s Circuit Breaker program.”

10. School Safety (8/16/05): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed the School Safety Drill Act that will help keep students, teachers and faculty safer when they’re at school.  House Bill 2693 significantly improves school emergency preparedness by, for the first time, setting clear, minimum requirements and standards for public and private school emergency planning.  The new law also ensures that school officials work more closely with local first responders.”

11. Protecting Children from Sex Offenders (8/14/08): “Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed five pieces of legislation to increase protections for Illinois children from convicted sex offenders. These new laws provide the public with important information about unaccounted for sex offenders and strengthen barriers keeping sex offenders away from children and their homes, schools and child care facilities.”

12. Small Business (7/20/04): “Building on his pledge to expand business opportunities for small business owners across the state, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today signed House Bill 4947 – allowing the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) to set aside more contracts and allow more small business companies to participate in the Small Business Set-Aside Program.  Currently, about 3,000 businesses participate in this program, which gives a preference to small businesses competing for state contracts.  With this new law, an additional 3,300 may be eligible to participate in the Set-Aside Program.”

Again, Bob McDonnell accomplished none of these things. For instance, on clean energy and global warming, McDonnell’s been a relentless proponent of fossil fuels (coal, “drill baby drill,” etc.), while doing absolutely NOTHING to help promote clean energy in Virginia. Needless to say, McDonnell – right winger that he is – also hasn’t moved to help workers by raising the minimum wage, to institute preschool for all kids, to encourage public transit (for right wingers, it’s “public” bad, “private” good!), or to promote embryonic stem cell research (his mentor Pat Robertson wouldn’t approve).  In sum, McDonnell’s that wondrous combo of corrupt AND an ideological right-wing nutjob. Blagojevich had the corrupt part, in spades, but at least he didn’t have the latter…


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