Home Energy and Environment Hundreds of Virginians to Dance the Electric Slide for Clean Energy

Hundreds of Virginians to Dance the Electric Slide for Clean Energy


( – promoted by lowkell)

On Sunday, April 14, hundreds of Virginians will call on the State Corporation Commission (SCC) to put efficiency and clean energy first rather than allow continued investments in fossil fuels by Dominion Virginia Power. Participants will dance the popular 1980s dance known as the Electric Slide in front of Dominion’s Richmond headquarters [Editor’s note: please click on the image to “embiggen”].

Dominion has proposed another major investment in fossil fuels, this time a $1.1 billion dollar natural gas plant in Brunswick County. On April 24th, Dominion will seek the required Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) permit to construct and operate the Brunswick plant from the SCC at a hearing in Richmond.

The $1.1 billion plant is more about securing a market for Dominion’s own products than serving Virginia’s families. Dominion has consistently overestimated how much energy we really need because it is significantly invested in the natural gas industry. Company executives use this bad math to justify building new plants, when the Commonwealth’s energy demands could be met with affordable and reliable efficiency and clean energy. Recent expert testimony to the SCC demonstrated that energy efficiency would be a cheaper, safer option for meeting the state’s power needs. While multiple organizations in preparation for this hearing have argued that Dominion has failed to prove the plant is even necessary.

Dominion is pushing forward a risky proposal for an unnecessary investment that could cost families and businesses big money over the next several decades. If approved, this plant could stick customer with volatile electricity bills, rising fuel costs and ownership of a plant they don’t need despite viable options. Dominion persists because it believes building new power plants is an easier way to make more money for its shareholders.  

The SCC is a safeguard whose mission is to balance the interests of citizens, businesses, and customers in regulating Virginia’s business. Our SCC can protect our families and businesses by rejecting the Brunswick gas plant permit, and instead requiring Dominion to invest in efficiency and clean energy.

Join hundreds of Virginians this Sunday as we say not to dirty fossil fuels and electric slide toward clean energy!

For more information visit VaSierraClub.org/electricslide


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