Video: VP Joe Biden Reacts to Bombing in Boston [UPDATES]


    Absolutely horrible (click here to see what happened in real time, but be warned that it’s graphic); all I can say is that my thoughts are with the victims of this cowardly, pathetic act of violence, and that I hope whoever did it is caught quickly and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Just despicable in every way.

    P.S. Here in Virginia, Lt. Governor Bill Bolling says, “Our thoughts are with the people of Boston, especially those who were injured or killed in this afternoon’s explosions.”  

    UPDATE: Coy Barefoot reports, “BREAKING. I spoke live on the program moments ago with Mark Lorenzoni, Mike Gaffney and others- all runners from the Cville area at the Boston Marathon are accounted for and okay, including UVA students.”

    UPDATE #2: ArlNow reports, “Metro Transit Police have stepped up patrols in response to this afternoon’s deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon.”

    UPDATE #3: The Arlington Patch reports, “There were 82 runners from Arlington who participated in the race. It was not immediately clear whether any local runners were injured.”

    UPDATE #4: Sen. Mark Warner writes, “My heart goes out to those impacted by events in Boston, esp the 600+ Va runners and their friends and families. If you’re unable to find a loved one, please post here: or here:


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