Yew Talkin’ to Me? Cuccinelli’s Jersey Pride


    Yew thought Ken Cuccinelli was a Southerner?  Fuhgeddaboudit.

    Didja know Ken Cuccinelli was born in New Jersey?  What exit, yew ask?  Edison, exit 10 off da Turnpike. It’s in Middlesex County, but don’t get da wrong idea.

    Look, dere’s nuttin’ wrong wit’ bein’ a carpet-bagger.  George Allen came from the frickin’ L.A. burbs and dat didn’t stop ’em from wearin’ cowboy boots and chewin’ tobacco like somebody outta Hee Haw.  Bob McDonnell is from Philly, for chrissake.  E.W. Jackson is from Massachusetts — heart of da’ freakin’ Confederacy!

    Yew gotta problem wit’ dat?  Cooch is a Jersey boy, and dat’s dat.  You can take da boy outta Jersey, but ya can’t take da Jersey outta da boy. An’ he shouldn’ be ashamed of it.  He outta be campaignin’ every day wit’ freakin’ Snooki by his side.  

    Give da guy a break.  Put him in office, bada-bing, he’ll make Virginia look just like Jersey — freeways, toxic waste dumps, beaches fulla hypodermic needles.

    Dat’s wut I’m talkin’ ’bout!  I’m standin’ wit’ da Jersey boy.  Whachulookinat?


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