Home 2019 Elections Video: Cuccinelli Disses Jackson, Praises Obenshain as Fighter Against Evil Federal Government

Video: Cuccinelli Disses Jackson, Praises Obenshain as Fighter Against Evil Federal Government


Check it out: speaking earlier today, Ken Cuccinelli carefully skips saying the name “EW Jackson,” avoiding it like the plague (even though just a few weeks ago Cuccinelli pledged strong support for Jackson). To the contrary, Cuccinelli looooooves him some Mark “Criminalize Miscarriages” Obenshain (his “former seatmate from the Senate” would be an “absolutely awesome Attorney General”), stating that Obenshain – if (god forbid) he’s elected to succeed Cooch as Virginia Attorney General – would be “continuing the fight whenever it’s needed across the Potomac to fight Washington…one of the greatest threats to liberty in America today is our own government.” Well, alrighty then!

Cooch then proceeds to riff about one of the Tea Party’s pet, paranoid, tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories – “Common-Core Standards” (“The gateway to this dystopian future, which [Glenn] Beck predicted would lead to some portions of the United States embracing Nazism, was President Barack Obama’s controversial push for a new national curriculum known as Common Core. The conspirators are far-ranging. Rupert Murdoch is in on it. So is the American Legislative Exchange Council, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Jeb Bush.”). Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Anyway, just remember: on November 5, if you want a LOT more of this John Birch Society insanity, not to mention LOTS more waste of Virginia taxpayer money waging losing battles against the federal government, vote for Ken Cuccinelli’s clone, Mark Obenshain. On second thought, don’t!


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