Home 2019 Elections Ken Cuccinelli #FAILs Yet Again

Ken Cuccinelli #FAILs Yet Again


Another day, another Ken Cuccinelli (aka, Ted Cruz’s best friend) #FAIL, as he continues to waste Virginian taxpayers’ money and the Attorney General office’s time on ridiculous lawsuites, not to mention providing endless fodder for late-night comedians. That’s our Cooch – worst Attorney General ever in the history of Virginia? Ugh.

UPDATE: Josh Israel of ThinkProgress weighs in, noting: “This is not Cuccinelli’s first high-profile legal defeat as attorney general. His legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, his attempt to block EPA regulation of greenhouse gases, and his fishing expedition into a former University of Virginia climate scientist have all been defeated by the courts.” Bottom line: the guy’s not just corrupt and an extremist, he’s utterly incompetent at his job. Great combination, huh?


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