Home Local Politics Arlington County Board Race Heats Up with Independent Candidate Announcement

Arlington County Board Race Heats Up with Independent Candidate Announcement


I’ve known about this for days “off the record” as they say, but Washington Post reporter Patricia Sullivan (‏@psullivan1) tweets the scoop: “Rumored independent candidate for #ArlingtonVa County Board seat emerges: John Vihstadt announces candidacy. More soon.” My assumption is that Vihstadt will be the “anti-streetcar” candidate, and likely will be endorsed by some of the leading anti-streetcar folks in Arlington, but we’ll see soon enough…

UPDATE 12:06 pm: From Vihstadt’s Facebook page, this list confirms my guess that Vihstadt will be the anti-streetcar, anti-Zimmerman-vision-for-Arlington candidate.

HONORARY CAMPAIGN STEERING COMMITTEE (as of announcement 12/12/13, 11am)

(positions for purposes of identification only)

The Honorable Mike Brunner, former Member, Arlington County Board and School Board

The Honorable Charles Cervantes, former Member, Arlington School Board

The Honorable David Foster, former Member and Chair, Arlington School Board

The Honorable Libby Garvey, Member, Arlington County Board, and former School Board Member and Chair

The Honorable Steven Ivins, former Member, Arlington School Board

The Honorable Todd McCracken, former Member, Arlington School Board

The Honorable Theo Stamos, Commonwealth’s Attorney

The Honorable Frank Wilson, former Member, Arlington School Board

John Bartlett, Chair, Arlington Community Residences Foundation

Eric Brescia, former House of Delegates candidate

Sandy Bushue, former Fiscal Affairs Advisory Commission Member

Darnell Carpenter, Member, Arlington Urban Agriculture Task Force

Martha Foster, former President of the Board, Arlington Arts Center

Suzanne Gartner, Arlington Optimist Club Past President and Republican activist

Lauren Hall, immediate past President, Arlington Young Democrats

Wayne Kubicki, former Revenues & Expenditures Committee Chair, Arlington County Civic Federation

Catherine O’Malley, former President, Wakefield High School and Patrick Henry Elementary PTAs

Jim Pebley, former President, Arlington County Civic Federation

Dale Proctor, former Chair, County Council of PTAs and President, Arlington Traditional School PTA

Peter Rousselot, former Chair, Arlington County Democratic Committee

Joseph Warren, Member, Transit Advisory Committee:

UPDATE 12:46 pm: And here’s the Republican candidate (Mark Kelly), also running on an anti-streetcar platform. UPDATE: I hear Kelly might not be running after all.


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