Home 2019 Elections Audio: Anti-Semitic “Joke” Guy’s Robocall Claims He Values Diversity. Now THAT Is...

Audio: Anti-Semitic “Joke” Guy’s Robocall Claims He Values Diversity. Now THAT Is a Joke!


This is classic. Remember, Republican John Whitbeck is the guy whose anti-Semitic “joke” at a Ken Cuccinelli rally last September were correctly called “offensive, deplorable and a disgrace to Loudoun County and the Commonwealth of Virginia” by State Senator (now Attorney General elect) Mark Herring.

Now, Whitbeck is running for Herring’s seat in the State Senate, and he’s laughably trying to claim he sees “diversity” as “one of our community’s greatest strengths…whether it’s joining his friends to celebrate Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, or the Lunar New Year.” Now that takes what we Jews know as “chutzpah!” LOL And as an added bonus, when Whitbeck attends your holiday celebration, he’ll tell a derogatory “joke” about your religious and/or ethnic group? Heh.

Also note that this call was paid for by the far-right-wing “Middle Resolution PAC” (see here and here for more on that). Of course, it’s not surprising that Middle Resolution PAC would be supporting a fellow far-right winger like John Whitbeck, but it’s all the more reason to oppose him and to support Democratic candidate Jennifer Wexton instead. Go Jennifer!

P.S. Thanks to Catherine S. Read for recording this call’s audio


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