Lopez: Stand Up to Fox News


    Last night, Fox News smeared an important member of our community.

    This year, I introduced a resolution to recognize the 30th Anniversary of Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, which has worked to expand opportunity and help their neighbors build a better future.

    Fox doesn’t like that the resolution passed. Opportunity in this country extends to the ability to worship freely, a fundamental right in America. For Fox News to smear an important community institution by ignorantly painting all Muslims with the same brush is reprehensible. At its core, this is a right-wing media attack on the faith and religious freedom of hard-working patriotic Americans.

    Sign this petition now to tell Fox News enough is enough. While the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center reaches out to provide assistance to people regardless of their faith, Fox News is attempting to divide our country using fear and hate.

    I will not sit on the sidelines while Fox News smears an organization that has helped people of all faiths. The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is a beacon of hope for those in need in my district. The members of the center provide rental and financial assistance for individuals in our community who are struggling to make ends meet. They open their doors every week to provide food to people who don’t have enough to eat, and host programs to help women and girls get back on their feet.

    As your Congressman, I will stand-up to the hateful, right-wing attacks on our community, and I will passionately oppose all legislation that unjustly restrict the civil rights of anyone, including Arab Americans.

    Stand with me against Fox News and the right-wing attack on faith and religious freedom.




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