Freak Show: 10th CD Republicans Rant About the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia, “Gay Rights Community”


    I’m certainly no fan of Grover Norquist – because he’s an anti-government extremist and a serious menace to our country’s future – but what on earth are these crazy Islamophobes and homophobes ranting about? The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated America and Virginia? “Sharia Law” is somehow taking over the country? Seriously, are Virginia’s 10th CD Republican candidates all on seriously mind-altering substances or what?!? Needless to say, none of these people should even be considered for higher office – or ANY office, for that matter.

    By the way, if you’re not familiar with what these folks are talking about here, see The ‘Grover Norquist Is A Secret Muslim Brotherhood Agent’ Conspiracy Returns Just In Time For CPAC, which explains:

    The conservative movement’s sowing of anti-Muslim paranoia and discord to help win elections is now coming back to bite it as even top conservative leaders like Norquist, who is married to a Muslim-American, are facing attacks.

    At a 2011 right-wing summit, The Awakening, Gaffney was part of an event that immediately followed a panel featuring Norquist, where he delivered a presentation alleging that Norquist is “both enabling and empowering Muslim Brotherhood influence operations against our movement and our country.

    On his radio show last month, Gaffney said that Norquist is advancing the “civilization jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    But Gaffney is not alone.

    Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) denounced Norquist from the floor of the House for associating with “unsavory people and groups out of the mainstream.”

    Glenn Beck and Jerry Boykin, the executive vice president of the Family Research Council, also dedicated an entire program to discussing Norquist’s supposed role as “a Muslim Brotherhood facilitator.”

    Not holding back, anti-Muslim activist David Horowitz attacked Norquist as a “practicing Muslim” who has “infiltrated” the GOP, and Robert Spencer said last year that Norquist’s presence at CPAC turned the gathering into a “Sharia-compliant conference.”

    Ah, Republicans…the party of Lincoln John Birch Society lunacy, bigotry, etc.

    P.S. Somehow, 10th CD Republican candidate Rob Wasinger manages to segue from the evils of Sharia Law and the Muslim Brotherhood to Grover Norquist’s “work for the gay rights community” and how that “is also very troubling.” Again, I ask: WTF? Also, where was Barbara Comstock in all this, and has she denounced this crap or does she agree with it? Of course, given that Frank Wolf appears to be on the same Islamophobic page as the rest of these nuts, and given that Comstock badly wants Wolf’s endorsement (which she still hasn’t gotten, for whatever reason), I strongly doubt that she’ll be denouncing this intolerance and bigotry anytime soon…


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