Home Energy and Environment Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam’s Statement on Earth Day

Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam’s Statement on Earth Day


From Lt. Gov. Northam’s office:

Today as we stop to celebrate Earth Day, I encourage everyone to take a moment to marvel in the beauty and bounty of the earth, particularly the diversity of the Commonwealth’s natural gems – from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Eastern Shore.

My passion for restoring and preserving the Chesapeake Bay was one of the driving forces that motivated me to get involved in politics and public policy.

The Chesapeake Bay is a shining example of how the commitment of citizens paired with effective public policy can truly make an impact. Responsibly caring for the Commonwealth’s natural resources remains one of my greatest passions.

As a Senator, I carried the legislation to remove phosphorus from home fertilizers; brought the legislation to create the Coastal Flooding Working group to study the effects of climate change on Virginia’s coastal communities; and worked to ban the winter dredging of blue crabs.

But as we celebrate the splendor of the earth today, we also are reminded to the great responsibility we shoulder to preserve and protect it for future generations. The effects of climate change are real and threaten the natural habitats of many animals, but also human lives around the globe. Combating the effects of climate change go hand in hand with celebrating Earth Day, and we must continue to address these issues through informed public policy decisions at all levels.


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