Home 2019 Elections Video: Tom DeLay Hails Cliven Bundy For Fighting Obama’s “Lawlessness”

Video: Tom DeLay Hails Cliven Bundy For Fighting Obama’s “Lawlessness”


Keep in mind that Barbara Comstock, who is likely to be nominated tomorrow by Virginia 10th CD Republicans, is closely linked with Tom DeLay, having served as a paid member of his legal team after he . Comstock’s defense of the corrupt DeLay was so ridiculous that even Bill O’Reilly chided her for exaggerating the facts, saying, “come on Barbara, you’re doing it…I know you’re getting paid by these people, but you’re doing a two-step here.” Of course, that’s Comstock to a “t” – can’t believe a word she says, such as her ever-changing explanation for why she voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 Virginia Democratic primary, or her doubletalk and outright lying about slimeball and far-right wingnut Tom DeLay.

P.S. It’s also completely unsurprising that Comstock would be tight with yet another rabid defender of Cliven Bundy, given that she’s been endorsed by Bundy’s #1 cheerleader, Sean Hannity…


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