Virginia Latino Leaders Push Cantor on Immigration Reform


    From Ashley Bauman of the DPVA: 

    RICHMOND – As the U.S. House of Representatives returns to session in Washington, D.C., Latino leaders from across Virginia are ramping up pressure on Majority Leader Eric Cantor for blocking immigration reform in Congress in a new letter to Cantor. The letter – led by Delegate Alfonso Lopez, member of the Arlington Board of Supervisors Walter Tejada and Leesburg Town Councilor Marty Martinez – highlights the positive economic impact that comprehensive immigration reform would have on Virginia, as well as the contributions of immigrants in Virginia today.

    Eric Cantor, as leader of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, continues to block a vote on immigration reform in the House. On Friday, he released a memo outlining the spring agenda for the House, which failed to even include immigration reform. Cantor’s refusal to bring immigration reform to the floor is at odds with some Republicans, including former Republican Congressman Tom Davis, who last week urged the GOP to act on immigration reform, and Speaker John Boehner, who last week criticized his GOP colleagues for refusing to take up the issue.

    Listen to a recording of the press call here

    The full letter from Latino leaders in Virginia, including DREAMers can be found here 


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