A Few Upcoming 8th CD, Arlington Political Events You Might Want to Check Out


    We don’t do a regular calendar here at Blue Virginia, simply because it takes a lot of resources (which we don’t have) to do one well. However, I do think it’s worth pointing out a number of upcoming Northern Virginia political events worth checking out.

    1. This evening in Arlington, there’s a Meet and Greet sponsored by DAAV & DLOV for the 8th Congressional District Democratic candidates. The event is being held at Guarapo’s (2039 Wilson Blvd. in Arlington) from 7 to 9 pm.

    2. Tomorrow and Saturday in Arlington, Democrats vote to nominate a candidate for School Board. The voting Thursday is from 7 to 9 pm at Drew Elementary School (3500 23rd St.); and the voting Saturday is from 11 am to 7 pm at Washington-Lee High School (1301 N. Stafford St.). To learn more about the three candidates, see my interviews with Nancy Van Doren, Greg Greeley, and Barbara Kanninen, as well as video of the ACDC School Board debate last Wednesday.

    3. Tomorrow night, the Dranesville District Democratic Committee is holding an 8th CD Democratic candidates forum at the McLean Community Center – Alden Theatre (1234 Ingleside Ave) from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. The event, which is co-hosted by the Providence District Democratic Committee and the Fairfax County Young Democrats, will be moderated by Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker, and M.C’ed by former House of Delegates candidate Richard “Rip” Sullivan, Jr. There will also be a Straw Poll immediately following the forum.

    4. On Friday, May 16, there’s an 8th CD candidates forum sponsored by the African American Leadership Council of Arlington at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church (3500 S. 19th St, Arlington) from 6:30 to 9 pm.

    5. On Saturday, May 17, there’s the 3rd annual “KruPreakness” event by Del. Rob Krupicka from 4 to 7 pm at 2503 Dewitt Avenue in Alexandria.

    6. On Sunday, May 18, there’s a Democratic Primary Candidates Political Forum at Beth El Hebrew Congregation, from 9 am to noon at 3820 Seminary Road in Alexandria.

    7. On Wednesday, May 21, the Progressive Democrats Of America is holding a 8th District Candidates from 7 to 9 pm at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) auditorium, 4301 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington.

    8. On Thursday, May 29, there’s the NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Annual Celebration from 7 to 9 pm at the Waterview Conference Center, 1919 N. Lynn Street, Arlington.

    9. On May 30, the Arlington County Democratic Committee is holding an 8th CD debate, from 7 to 9 pm, a the NREA Building (4301 Wilson Blvd.) in Arlington.

    10. The Arlington County Democratic Committee JJ Dinner is being held on Saturday, June 7 at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel (dinner and program starts at 7 pm).

    9. The 8h CD Democratic primary is on June 10th at your regular polling location. Polls are open the regular hours (6 am to 7 pm). Make sure you vote, as this is the election that will determine (99.9% likelihood) our next Member of Congress!

    P.S. I checked the Loudoun County Democratic Committee, the Prince William County Democratic Committee, and the 10th CD Democratic Committee calendars and didn’t see much (if anything) coming up.


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