Home 2019 Elections Rip Sullivan: “We don’t need any more anti-women’s-health Republicans in Richmond”

Rip Sullivan: “We don’t need any more anti-women’s-health Republicans in Richmond”


I just got back from a press conference in Arlington, in which 48th House of Delegates district Democratic nominee Rip Sullivan was joined by several other speakers focused on the crucial importance of electing a delegate who will defend – not attack – a woman’s right to choose in Virginia. Rip Sullivan and the other speakers (State Senator Barbara Favola, Delegate Kay Kory, Charlie Jackson of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, and Shelly Livingston of Planned Parenthood) all affirmed: a) their strong support for pro-choice Democrat Rip Sullivan; and b) their strong opposition to anti-choice Republican Dave Foster in the special election on August 19. Here’s a transcript of Rip Sullivan’s remarks. I’ll post the other videos in the comments section. Oh, and make sure you vote absentee if you’re going to be away on August 19!

UPDATE: I checked with both NARAL and Planned Parenthood, and both confirmed that Republican Dave Foster did not respond to requests to fill out and return their questionnaires. How disrespectful of Virginia women can you be?!? Wow.

We’re here because there is a lot at stake in this election. Dave Foster and I disagree on the issue of women’s reproductive health. I believe that a woman’s personal health decisions should be between her and her doctor. Dave Foster does not. I don’t believe government should tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her body. Dave Foster does not.

In his 2009 race for the Republican nomination for Attorney General, Dave Foster sent out mail saying he was “pro-life,” while I have always supported a woman’s right to choose. He called Roe v Wade a “case of judges imposing their will.”

Over the past few years, we’ve seen outrageous bill after outrageous bill in the Republican-dominated House of Delegates. If elected, Dave Foster would be an addition to the Republican caucus that seems obsessed with restricting a woman’s reproductive freedom. We don’t need any more anti-women’s-health Republicans in Richmond


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