Home 2019 Elections Since Sean Hannity Endorsed Barbara Comstock, He’s Had All Kinds of Crazy...

Since Sean Hannity Endorsed Barbara Comstock, He’s Had All Kinds of Crazy S*** to Say


Since Sean Hannity endorsed Barbara Comstock in April 2014, he’s had all kinds of, er, “interesting” things to say. I wonder if Barbara Comstock agrees with Hannity on the following.

*Sean Hannity: Obama Claimed To Be the Victim Of Birtherism Because He “Loves To Be A Victim” (“Hannity: ‘I Just Thought That It Was Strange The President Didn’t Hand Over His Birth Certificate Like Everybody Else'”)

*Hannity Voices Support For Palin’s Call For Impeachment: “She’s Right On Constitutional Issues”

*Five Media Figures Who Endorse Dinesh D’Souza’s Racially Charged Agitprop (Yep, Hannity was one of them.)

*Hannity On Hobby Lobby Case: “There’s A Whole Section Of Birth Control” At Drugstores, “Go Buy It” On Your Own

*Hannity Pushes Debunked Conspiracy Theory About IRS Computer Crashing After GOP Letter

*Right-Wing Radio Lashes Out At Republican For Winning Thanks To Minority Voters (Hannity’s one of them.)

*On Hannity’s Radio Show, Ed Klein Claims Hillary Clinton “Doesn’t Look In Shape”

*Sean Hannity Endorses Mocking Someone With Parkinsons, But Not Investigating Them For Criminal Wrongdoing

*Fox’s Hannity Continues Attacks On Muslim Student Who Was Mocked By Heritage Foundation Panelists

*Right-Wing Media Helped Push Discredited Science At Issue In State Abortion Challenges (Again, includes Hannity.)

*Hannity Pushes Claim That Bob Bergdahl Made A “Muslim Victory Call” In Rose Garden

*MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Criticizes Hannity For Falsely Blaming Deep Water Oil Spills On Environmentalists

*Hannity Presents Execution By Firing Squad As Humane Alternative To Botched Oklahoma Execution

*Hannity Echoes Rove, Falsely Inflates Hillary Clinton’s Hospital Stay

*Angry Over Call To Redistribute Wealth, Hannity Lectures Pope Francis About The Virtue Of Work

*Hannity Defends Sarah Palin’s “Waterboarding Is How We Baptize Terrorists” Comments

*On Fox, Hannity Responds To Comments Made By The Racist Rancher He Unleashed

*Conservative Media Hero Cliven Bundy Goes On Racist Tirade

*Hannity Continues Move Toward The Fringe As Guest Accuses Liberals Of Contributing To A “Modern Day Holocaust”

*Cliven Bundy Praises “Hero” Sean Hannity, Warns Of Civil War

*Hannity Calls Nun A “Communist” For Acknowledging Paul Ryan’s Budget Hurts The Poor

And that’s just since Hannity endorsed Comstock. And what has Comstock had to say about any of this lunacy? Uhhhhhh. Silence=Agreement?


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