Governor McAuliffe Hides Like a Frightened Child


    (The failure to confront the concerns of those on the ground affected by the pipeline is revealing in and of itself. – promoted by Dan Sullivan)

     photo DowntownMallchildren_zps39b4f5c6.jpgMembers from several community groups opposing the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to include Free Nelson, Friends of Nelson, the Pipeline Education Group, and the Augusta County Alliance held a rally this morning at Charlottesville City Hall.  After the rally, the group marched chanting, “Hey, Ho, The Dominion pipeline has got to go,” 4 blocks west to a location where a fundraiser was being held for Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes.  Ms. Lundergan Grimes is seeking the U.S. Senate seat now held by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

    Governor McAuliffe had accepted an invitation to attend this fundraising event.  As the group approached from the west, Governor McAuliffe was spotted approaching from the east. At first, he obviously didn’t understand what was happening as he continued to approach his destination. However, when he realized a group protesting Dominion’s “energy super highway”  was waiting at the door of the event he was to attend, he abruptly changed course and ducked into the restaurant next door.  

    He chose to refuse to acknowledge or speak to the group consisting of people who worked for and helped elect him last fall.  Rather than defend his position in favor of the pipeline, he hid in a restaurant like a frightened child.  Really bad form, Governor McAuliffe!


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