Not to point fingers, but . . .


    A few days ago, VA AG Mark Herring announced he is suing several large criminal enterprises — OOOPPSS!!!  — meant to say “several large investment and brokerage firms” — because, allegedly, they misled the Virginia Retirement System by overstating the value of certain investments as well as not pointing out the risky nature of the investments.  As a result, VRS lost a load of money.…

    The banks named in the lawsuit include international investment behemoths like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank Securities and Credit Suisse Securities.

    All of which raises some questions.

    1.  If this flim-flam went on a few years ago, why didn’t AG Ken “Cooch” Kookynelly take similar action?

    2.  Do you suppose this may be why Cooch did not do anything?

    Though Cantor has not worked on Wall Street before, his wife Diana has. She was a vice president of Goldman Sachs for five years and now works for an investment management firm. She also sits on several corporate boards and chairs the Virginia Retirement System.…

    3.  And now we discover this gem:

    The Wall Street firm that former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has joined this week faces accusations from investors of failing to disclose facts and trends that were negatively affecting a company before its IPO.…

    Don’t try to tell me Republicans are not evil sonsabitches who belong in jail, everygoddamone of them!!!


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