Prediction: Mayor Dwight Jones


    Donde esta Virginia Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Jones?

    Every since his involvement in the tragic and completely unexpected loss of his hand picked candidate, Delores McQuinn, to Rosalynd Dance, to run as the Democratic nominee for former State Senator Henry Marsh’s state senate seat, the mayor has been missing in action. Now I understand that it must have been humiliating that McQuinn lost after the mayor put his prestige on the line backing McQuinn but unable to rally his supporters to the polls but come on – there is an ELECTION going on! Never mind that Warner is running for re-election and the Dems have control of the senate on the line, or that Foust is running hard to win the the 10th CD race over a right wing nut job who’s obsessed with vaginal probes.    

    Well, the bottom line is – well, are your ready?  Mayor Jones is Ready for Hillary!  LOL!!  The only reason Jones wanted to be chair of the party is so he could run around all over the state of Virginia rallying the troops for Hillary, looking like the big man on campus and use that as a spring board to run for Lt. Governor in 2017.   The guy dos not care about the party, it’s just all about him.    

    So, support Herring for governor in 2017, urge Northam to run for re-election for Lt. Governor and and keep Jones at home in Richmond, where he can keep working on that failed baseball venture he was involved in.  Ay Dios Mio!  


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