Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, October 30. The photo is courtesy of Rep. Connolly’s communications director George Burke.

*5 Ways Life in America Would Be Better If Everyone Voted (“Low election turnout perpetuates income inequality and social injustice”)

*“The Great Invisible”: The BP oil disaster and our fossil-fuel addiction

*Weather Channel Rebukes Its Co-Founder On Climate Change (Good for the Weather Channel. Its co-founder is an imbecile.)

*EJ Dionne: Moderate thunder out of Kansas

*An exaggerated claim concerning savings on Metro’s Silver Line construction (“Comstock’s campaign could offer no evidence to defend the repeated use of the $400 million figure”)

*Boucher: Why Warner deserves re-election

*Pipeline protestors visit lawmakers’ local offices (“About a dozen Nelson County residents protested a proposed 550-mile natural gas pipeline Wednesday, stopping at the local offices of Democratic and Republican lawmakers to urge them to oppose the project.”)

*What Is Ed Gillespie’s Backup Plan? (Governor in 2017? “It’s not clear whether Gillespie would be willing to run against Obenshain, as they have a close relationship.”)

*Goodlatte looks poised for bump-free ride to 12th term (Really unfortunate, the guy’s truly BADlatte not Goodlatte.)

*E.W. Jackson says Democrats attack Christian values with anti-discrimination laws about gays and lesbians (Yep, that’s E.W. Jackson for ya.)

*Democratic congressman pressured VA to help politically connected contractor (Hmmmm.)

*Budget backtrack: Transportation concerns lead to $50m back pedal

*Wittman tells Kiwanis Washington should be ‘reined in’ (Standard, mindless Republican rhetoric…)

*Brutal cost of children who are homeless (“The State of the Region report released this month by Old Dominion University offers a sobering estimate of public costs for one often-overlooked group: children without a place to call home.”)

*NASA reports broken windows, imploded doors after explosion

*Economic action plan (“The sequestration cuts set to resume in 2016 must be stopped – which will protect the Hampton Roads economy to say nothing of assuring the continued strength and readiness of our nation’s armed forces.”)

*Newport News could pay up to $42.6M to accommodate Tech Center research park

*Bumgarner, Giants edge K.C. to claim third World Series crown in 5 years

*A weather treat today, but look for tricky and icky on Halloween


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