Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, December 27. Also, check out the NewsHour story on Medicaid expansion, and “how a state’s choice on Medicaid expansion affects hospitals.” In short, there are HUGE advantages for states that have expanded Medicaid, while states like Virginia, where Republicans have relentlessly fought Medicaid expansion, hospitals and Virginians are suffering. Why? No good reason whatsoever, just right-wing Teapublican ideology and politics. Lovely, huh?

*North Korea berates Obama over The Interview release (North Korea’s leaders all need to be in jail for crimes against humanity.)

*New Roadster Can Travel 400 Miles On A Single Charge, Tesla Announces (This is exactly the type of cleantech innovation our country – and planet – need.)

*The 6 Most Ridiculous Attacks on Clean Energy In 2014

*Kallio: Virginia workers need a way to save for retirement

*Nemeth: Sustainable energy economy: Denial lives (“So, The Roanoke Times is still giving major space to global change deniers like Tom Pyle…OK, it is a free press; I just don’t agree that the American Energy Alliance should be given any serious scientific or economic credence.” Bingo.)

*Swanson: There goes Virginia’s climate (We should be going all-out for non-polluting energy sources — solar, wind, efficiency — and getting off of fossil fuels ASAP!)

*After a year of budget fireworks, Virginia sees smooth sailing ahead (“Despite a budget gap and a brush with a shutdown, the state’s finances are largely safe from partisan battles.”)

*Virginia inspectors take a measure of how goods are measured

*With retirements, Wolf, Moran leave big shoes to fill

*UVa alum effort to provide attorney to sex assault victims is making progress (“Over half of the money has been raised, and planning for 2015 has begun in earnest.”)

*Virginia agriculture grants sowing job growth, development

*Del. Joseph Yost proposes rejoining split precincts in Montgomery County

*Teacher lawsuit against Fairfax principal moves forward (“But a judge dismissed several parts of a case alleging discrimination by the principal of Bailey’s Elementary.”)

*Balmy weather today, then Sunday’s rain and chill snap us back to winter


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