Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, January 31. Also see the weekly address, in which President Obama talks about “the progress our economy has made, laying a foundation for a future that prioritizes middle-class economics.” Oh, and ditching the idiotic “sequestration.”

*How Mitt Romney decided against running in 2016

*Jeb ‘Put Me Through Hell’ (“Michael Schiavo knows as well as anyone what Jeb Bush can do with executive power. He thinks you ought to know too.”)

*Bernie Sanders is right to be outraged (To paraphrase the saying, if you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention…)

*Hints about the war for control of Virginia’s state Senate

*Bowing to gun lobby (“Virginia lawmakers demonstrated remarkable fealty to the gun lobby this week, efficiently dispatching a series of bills aiming to balance the right to bear arms with public safety.”)

*Friday at the Assembly: Hemp, Uber and major Constitutional overhaul (“The House of Delegates will consider whether it should call for a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution.”)

*House panel backs photo ID for absentee voting (The Republicans’ war against mythical “voter fraud” continues.)

*Virginia lawmakers kill bills meant to protect rights of accused students

*Va. Democratic Party sued over way candidate was named to face Morrissey (“The lawsuit, filed Friday in federal court, argues that the Democratic Party, in its haste to distance itself from Morrissey, intentionally excluded African American voters from the process of nominating the challenger. African Americans make up about 60 per cent of the House of Delegates district in question.”)

*Bans on transgender and gay discrimination removed from Va. bill

*Cathcart: Virginia should ratify ERA

*Report: Unarmed Springfield man had hands up when shot by police (That should never be acceptable in this country.)

*Roanoke County HR director resigns (“Roanoke County’s human resources director, who had been disciplined in July for misuse of county time and funds, has resigned.”)

*I-66 will provide new test for growing HOT lanes system (“Transportation advocates raise concerns about plans for inside the Beltway lanes.”)

*Sororities ‘very surprised’ by U-Va. student response to frat party ban

*MailGate: the Candidate Mailer that Shouldn’t Have Happened (Great stuff if you like watching Republican civil war. More popcorn please! LOL)

*Mostly sunny and cold today, wintry mix approaches by Sunday afternoon


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