Tell the Feds: No Atlantic Offshore Drilling


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    NoAtlanticDrillingStickerThe federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has proposed a draft plan for Atlantic offshore drilling that includes drilling off the Virginia coast.  Next week they are holding two Open House meetings in/near Virginia to which the public is encouraged to attend, learn more and ask questions.

    DC Meeting:

    Mon., Feb. 9, 2:00 – 7:00 p.m.

    Embassy Suites Washington DC – Convention Center, 900 10th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001

    Norfolk VA Meeting:

    Wed., Feb. 11, 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.

    Sheraton Norfolk Waterside, 777 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23505

    Click here to RSVP to either meeting.

    BOEM has also opened up a public comment period (deadline March 30) on its oil and gas development plan.  Click here to send them a message saying “No” to Atlantic drilling.


    What has changed since the 2010 Gulf oil disaster that would now allow the Atlantic to be opened up for offshore drilling? Answer on the flip…



    1. Congress has yet to pass a single law strengthening federal oversight of offshore oil and gas development, drilling safety or environmental safeguards in the event of a disaster.
    2. Even five years after the BP Gulf oil disaster, BOEM has yet to institute any of the major recommendations made by the 20101 Gulf Oil Spill Commission.
    3. The Department of Defense and NASA still oppose Virginia offshore drilling. (Click here for DoD’s 2010 report.
    4. Current cleanup methods are still incapable of removing more than a small fraction of the oil spilled in ocean waters.  Direct recovery rates range from 8 to 20%. There is also ZERO response capabilities along the Atlantic to respond to ANY size spill.

    For almost thirty years, through presidencies and congressional majorities of both Republicans and Democrats, a ban on drilling off the Atlantic coast has existed and for good reason.  

    For generations, our Atlantic shores have attracted millions of tourists, anglers and other visitors from all over the world.  The beautiful and biologically rich coastal areas off Virginia feature some of the most productive waters in the country and provide critical breeding and feeding habitat for migratory birds, turtles, and whales, many of which are globally rare. Tourism and fishing are billion dollar industries in Virginia that are completely dependent on clean beaches and healthy coastal waters.  Both our lucrative coastal economy and vulnerable coastal environment are put at risk with offshore drilling.  It’s a bad idea for Virginia.

    Click here to RSVP to either the DC or Norfolk meetings.

    Click here to send them a message saying “No” to Atlantic drilling.

    AND STAY UP-TO-DATE on this issue! This is going to be a long fight but it’s entirely winnable.

    The Obama administration has done more than any other to tackle the climate crisis. However, these efforts must extend to keeping dirty fuels in the ground, especially in undeveloped and environmentally fragile areas like those off Virginia’s beaches. President Obama must ultimately be urged to remove the Atlantic from the 2017-2022 OCS leasing program.

    For more information, contact Eileen Levandoski,


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