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Wednesday News: “Opposing Medicaid without good reason;” Norment and Saslaw “showed just how out of step they are”


by Lowell

Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, October 7. Also, if you want yet another example of right-wing insanity, check out the audio from yesterday’s call with E.W. Jackson – the 2013 Republican nominee for Virginia Lt. Governor, I’d remind eveyrone – and raving anti-Muslim bigot William J. Federer. A classic moment comes when Jackson asks Federer how he reads Barack Obama, who, according to Jackson, “of course some people suspect [Obama] is a Muslim…I don’t share that view but I do think he has a lot of Islamic sympathies, that’s not even in dispute…how do you see him and his response and the way he approaches Islam together with the influx of refugees and all of that.” Cuckoo! Cuckoo! We’ll have more on this conference call later, as there is a ton of stuff in there that exposes the far right wing for what it is.


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