Home Virginia Politics How Bad Was the 2016 VA General Assembly Session? THIS Bad!

How Bad Was the 2016 VA General Assembly Session? THIS Bad!


Courtesy of VPAP, this is what happens when Virginia Democrats only vote in presidential and/or “federal-only” election years. In short, when Democratic voters stay home in those odd-year elections we know and love so much here in Virginia — you know, the elections in which we choose our Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and entire state legislature — we basically kill any ability whatsoever to pass good (progressive, pro-environmental, pro-clean-energy, etc.) legislation.

What happened in the 2016 General Assembly session is illustrative: out of 443 bills introduced by House of Delegates Democrats this year, 335 “failed” and 34 were “continued” to 2017, meaning that 83% of House Dems’ bills didn’t even make it out of the House of Delegates, let alone get signed into law. As for the other 17%, rest assured that almost all of those were either noncontroversial, minor, hyper-local, or otherwise not something the Republicans (or powerful corporations like Dominion Power) particularly cared about. Oh, and note WHERE those bills were killed: mostly in committee or subcommittee, and mostly with no recorded vote — in the dark, without sunshine, in other words. As a final kicker, note that Republicans had a great deal more success passing their (frequently nasty, bigoted, anti-environmental, anti-progressive) legislation.

Great “democracy” we’ve got here, huh? Really represents the voters of Virginia? Not! Especially when you consider that Virginia voted twice for Barack Obama, has elected Democrats to 5/5 statewide elected officials, yet suffers under a House of Delegates that is nearly 2:1 Teapublican. Yeah, it sucks, but it’s also Democratic voters own damn fault, as they could solve this problem simply by SHOWING UP TO THE POLLS in non-presidential years! Grrrrr.


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