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According to VPAP Video, Pretty Much the Only “Funny” People in the VA General Assembly Are White, Male and Republican


Notice something about this “2016 General Assembly Outtakes” video (see below) from the self-described “nonpartisan” Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) annual luncheon held yesterday in Richmond? Other than the fact that it’s not particularly funny, how about that in an highly diverse state (50%+ female, 20% African American, 9% Latino, 6% Asian, etc.) won twice by Barack Obama, this video contains white male Republican face after white male Republican face, with the following exceptions: 1) three white male Democrats (Dick Saslaw, Ralph Northam, Mark Sickles); 2) white, female Republican Jill Vogel; 3) one African-American female Democrat (Roslyn Tyler); and 4) the voices, but not the faces, of African American Democrats Donald McEachin and Jennifer McClellan.

That’s pretty much it (note: I might have missed a couple more white, male  Republicans). Otherwise, as I noted, it’s a parade of white, male, Republican faces — Dave Albo (twice), Rob Bell, Bill Carrico, Mark Cole, Kirk Cox, Chris Collins, Dick Black, Manoli Loupassi (twice), Tommy Norment (twice), Matt Farris, Tag Greason, Frank Wagner, “Sideshow Bob” Marshall, Scott Lingamfelter, Bill Howell, Riley Ingram, etc. – none of whom are particularly amusing. Great stuff — yuk yuk…yuck!


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