Home 2019 Elections Fairfax Republicans Continue Freakout Over Where a Few Kids Get to Pee

Fairfax Republicans Continue Freakout Over Where a Few Kids Get to Pee


If it weren’t so serious, it would almost be funny watching grown men and women (albeit angry, ignorant ones) freak out over where a few transgender kids in the Fairfax County County School system get to pee. But that’s Republicans for ya. As their leader Donald Trump likes to say, “SAD!” Heh.

From: Chairman Matt Ames [mailto:info@fairfaxgop.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 2:28 PM
Subject: URGENT ACTION NEEDED: School Board votes TONIGHT to include gender identity in student nondiscrimination policy

Fellow Fairfax Republicans:

The Fairfax County School Board will vote tonight, without fair notice to parents or students, on whether to include gender identity as a basis for discrimination in the Board’s policy establishing student rights and responsibilities (the “SR&R”).  The Board is dominated by left-wing ideologues who are determined to force their views on parents and students, without public debate.  They need to understand that they cannot get away with ramming these decisions down our throats.

The Board meets at 7 pm tonight, Thursday, June 9, at Luther Jackson Middle School (3020 Gallows Rd, Falls Church).  Please attend the meeting if you possibly can; if you can’t attend tonight, please contact the Board and Superintendent Garza IMMEDIATELY to demand a fair hearing.  You will find their names, email addresses, and telephone numbers at the end of this message.

Wasn’t this decided last May?   No – the vote last May was contingent on the development of recommendations for implementing a policy by an outside consultant.  That consultant has not delivered any recommendations because of legal uncertainty about the Board’s authority to adopt the policy – one of the reasons Republicans opposed the vote a year ago.

Why are you just hearing about this now?  The process was manipulated so that the public was not given advance notice.  The Republican-endorsed Board members and some democrats only learned of the proposal yesterday, and their request for delay until fair notice can be given to the public has been rejected.

Why is this a problem?

First, because neither the Board nor the public have had the opportunity to consider what the policy will actually mean.  That’s what the consultant was supposed to do.  There are many questions that have not been discussed.  How many definitions of gender identity will FCPS recognize? (New York City defines 31, Facebook allows 58).  Will students be disciplined based on these definitions?  Exactly what will be a violation?  Actual bullying, or failure to use a person’s preferred pronoun? (he, she, ze, etc.)  Can any student identifying as any gender play on any sports team?  (You may have heard about the male student taking a spot in the Alaska high school girls state track finals.)

Second, because we can’t let the Democrats get away with hiding their ideological agenda from the public.  The proposed change was not mentioned at the Board’s April 28 meeting, when other changes to the SR&R were first presented.  The change was slipped in after the May 9 work session when the SR&R was discussed, without notice to anybody.  When Republican members objected, it was removed, but at 10:30 last night it was reinstated in the form of an amendment by Board member McElveen.

What can you do?  Attend the meeting – but be aware that because of behind-the-scenes manipulation by the Democrats, all slots for members of the public to speak have already been filled.  There will be no opportunity to speak, but your presence will send a strong signal.  Jeanette Hough, Elizabeth Schultz, and Tom Wilson will demand time for public input – and your presence will help.

Please contact your Board member NOW – including Jeannette, Elizabeth, and Tom.  The Democrats need to know that they are being watched, and our Republicans need to know we are behind them.

Here is contact information for the Board and Superintendent…


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