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Video: President Obama Says Hillary Clinton Has “Courage,” “Compassion,” “Heart” to Be Great President


Following Bernie Sanders’ excellent comments following his meeting with President Obama earlier today, Obama now offers his full-throated, enthusiastic endorsement of Hillary Clinton to be our country’s next, great president.

According to President Obama (who, by the way, sports a +10 approval rating in today’s Gallup poll; much higher than Ronald Reagan at the same point in his presidency!), Clinton is quite possibly the most qualified person ever to run for president; she’s got “the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done.” Obama adds that he’s seen Clinton’s “judgment,” “toughness,” and “commitment to our values…up close.”

With that, Obama says he’s “fired up” to get out there and “campaign for Hillary.” Obama adds that Bernie Sanders has “run an incredible campaign,” including “bringing young people into the process,” and that “embracing that message” will help Dems win in November and “make America stronger.” I couldn’t agree more. How about you? Let’s go git’m! 🙂

P.S. I can’t even tell you how much I’m looking forward to watching President Obama kicking Donald Trump’s bigoted, con-artist ass all over America. Time for lots and lots of popcorn…hot butter as well. 🙂


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