Home Local Politics Video: Arlington Dems County Board Debate (6/1/16)

Video: Arlington Dems County Board Debate (6/1/16)


With the Democratic primary for Arlington County Board less than two weeks away, here’s video from last night’s rather sedate, kind of boring to be blunt, Arlington County Democratic Committee (ACDC) debate between Libby Garvey and Erik Gutshall. I’m mostly just presenting this for the record, because honestly, I can’t think of anything newsworthy…

Erik Gutshall’s opening statement

Libby Garvey’s opening statement.

Question on investing in technologies to make Arlington competitive and innovative.

Question on historic preservation

Question on the “blue-ribbon panel.”

Question on parkland/open space

Question on the “whole child,” school overcrowding

Question on tax exemptions, deferrals on low-income seniors’ houses.

Question on geographical distribution of affordable housing.

Question on social services, community centers.

Question on transportation, transit in Arlington.

Question on campaign philosophy

Question on working with Republicans in Richmond.

Libby Garvey closing statement

Erik Gutshall closing statement


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