Home 2019 Elections “No Comment Comstock” Continues to Dodge Trump Support from Local, National Press

“No Comment Comstock” Continues to Dodge Trump Support from Local, National Press


From the LuAnn Bennett for Congress campaign:

“No Comment Comstock” Continues to Dodge Trump Support from Local, National Press

70 Days Before Election, “No Comment Comstock” Rebuffs Three Major Outlets

McLean – Over the weekend, Rep. Barbara “No Comment Comstock” refused to answer questions from the New York Times and the largest local paper in her district, the Loudoun Times Mirror, after the latter broke the newsthat her long time mentor and former Virginia 10th district representative Frank Wolf endorsed Donald Trump.

Comstock was a “trusted aide” to former Rep. Wolf, serving as senior legislative aide in his office from 1990 to 1995, and has been described by the Loudoun Times Mirror as Wolf’s protégé. She’s has called him the “conscience of Congress,” and stood with him during her 2014 election, yet now is completely silent on Wolf and his support for the GOP ticket.

This is not new. News Channel 8’s Bruce DePuyt has long tried to get answers from Comstock on basic questions like who she will be voting for in November. Each time, he has gotten the same response Rep. Comstock seems to give every journalist: no comment.

Comstock’s retreat comes days after her top lieutenant Loudoun County Republican Committee Chairman Will Estrada confirmed Comstock’s support for Trump, telling the BBC, “Barbara is doing what a lot of voters are doing – they support the principles that Donald Trump stands for as a Republican…”

“’No Comment Comstock’ lacks the political courage to say no to Trump, and now lacks even the basic courage to explain her own support of Trump to reporters and her constituents,” Bennett spokesman Robert Howard said. “If she refuses to answer a basic question like who she is voting for this fall, how can she expect voters to trust her to represent them?”


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