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Virginia Election Results 2016: Live Blog


UPDATE 10:07 pm: Looks like the networks are finally calling Virginia, which those of us who follow Virginia politics closely, like Ben Tribbett and myself, have known for a long time now. But whatever, I’ll take it. Now…how about the rest of the “blue wall” states?

UPDATE 9:55 pm: Clinton now leads in Virginia (by 0.5 percentage points with 90% of precincts reporting), but honestly at this point that’s the least of my worries. Stock markets are tanking, by the way, on the increasing possibility of President Trump.

UPDATE 9:47 pm: And more bad news. — “ALERT: AP Calls for Barbara Comstock. That is a GOP hold in DC suburbs”

UPDATE 9:29 pm: With 84.45% reporting in Virginia, it’s now Trump 47.39%-Clinton 46.89%. Still lots of blue left to report, so not particularly concerned about Virginia. The rest of the country and the planet, on the other hand…gack. Congratulations to Donald McEachin, by the way, on winning his race for the House of Representatives!

UPDATE 9:07 pm: Not that any of this will matter if Trump wins the White House,  because we’ll all be totally screwed, but right now in the Richmond Mayoral race it’s Jack Berry 36.8%-Levar Stoney 33.2%-Joe Morrissey 21.6%.

UPDATE 8:56 pm: With 69.3% of precincts reporting, it’s now Trump 49.15%-Clinton 45.32%. Still tons of blue precincts to report. Also, Donald McEachin now leading in VA-04, 51.48%-48.37%, with 209/260 precincts reporting.

UPDATE 8:40 pm — “Projection: Barbara Comstock re-elected in VA-10.” That sucks. On the other hand,  – “AP has Clinton up 16 in Loudoun. No one loses VA while winning Loudoun by 16.”

UPDATE 8:36 pm: With 58% of Virginia precincts reporting, it’s now Trump 50.2%-Clinton 44.4%. Still TONS of blue areas to report…

UPDATE 8:34 pm: Looks like a runoff could be coming in Richmond for mayor. Need to win 5 wards to be elected. Per  — “Richmond registrar in : Berry wins districts 1, 2, 5. Stoney wins 3. Morrissey wins 6, 7, 8. No results posted in other districts.”

UPDATE 8:27 pm: This is not surprising but a missed opportunity nonetheless.  — “RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Republican Scott Taylor has won election in Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, defeating Democrat Shaun Brown.”

UPDATE 8:24 pm: Per – “Clinton up 16% in Loudoun County, VA with about 60% of the vote in. Obama won LouCo by 4.” Per  — “Barbara Comstock has the upper hand right now based on early precincts, but not ready to call it yet.” Also from NLS – “Projection: Meals Tax has failed in Fairfax County” and “not to restate the obvious but Clinton-Kaine has won Virginia and it won’t be very close.”

UPDATE 8:20 pm: With 70/76 precincts reporting in Chesterfield County, it’s now Trump 49.5%-Clinton 45.1%. In 2012, Romney won Chesterfield County 53.2%-45.4%. Also, this is unfortunate.  –“Comstock up 53-45% in a few Fairfax County precincts, where Trump is getting crushed. Good sign for House Rs in this bellwether.”  – “Comstock leads 10,283-8,416 over Bennett (65 write in) with 7.7% precincts reporting.”

UPDATE 8:15 pm:  OK, any time now Arlington, Fairfax, Richmond, etc!  LOL Right now, with 11/53 precincts reporting in Arlington, it’s Clinton 74.1%-Trump 19.0%. In Fairfax County, with 30/244 precincts reporting, it’s Clinton 64.1%-Trump 29.9%.  In Alexandria, with 10/28 precincts reporting, it’s Clinton 74.2%-Trump 19.4%. And in Loudoun County, with 47/94 precincts reporting, it’s Clinton 55.5%-Trump 39.0%.
UPDATE 8:11 pm: Ugh, the NY Times has the horrendous Tom Garrett (R) defeating Jane Dittmar (D) in the 5th CD.
UPDATE 8:08 pm: As expected, Rep. Dave Brat (far-right “R”) has been reelected in his deep-“red” district over Democrat Eileen Bedell. It’s really unfortunate, because Brat is one of the most obstructionist, irresponsible, extreme members of Congress.
UPDATE 8:02 pm: With 30% of Virginia precincts reporting – again, mostly red/rural – it’s Trump 54.3%-Clinton 41.0%. With 5% reporting in the 8th DC, Don Beyer is winning 65.3%-31.1%. Also, with 11/244 precincts reporting in Fairfax County, it’s Clinton 60.4%-Trump 34.1%. Also need to see all the early/absentee ballots from Fairfax, Arlington, etc.
UPDATE 7:55 pm: With 445/2,559 precincts (mostly rural/red) reporting in Virginia, the “Right-to-Work” amendment is leading, but only by 52.3%-47.7%. Hopefully, once blue areas start streaming in, that monstrosity will go down to defeat.
UPDATE 7:51 pm: Rep. Rob Wittman (R) has been reelected, unfortunately (but not surprisingly). He’s planning to run for Virginia Governor next year, although I don’t see him having a great chance. We’ll see…
UPDATE 7:48 pm: In the 1st CD, Rep. Rob Wittman (R) is cruising to reelection over Democrat Matt Rowe. Currently, Wittman leads 65%-32% with 11% reporting. In the 5th CD, with 32% reporting, it’s Republican Tom Garrett leading Democrat Jane Dittmar 61%-39%. And in the 7th CD, with 30% reporting, it’s Dave Brat 58.9%-Eileen Bedell 41.1%.
UPDATE 7:44 pm: With 46/94 precincts reporting from Loudoun County, Clinton’s leading there 55.1%-39.2%. In other news, Bob Goodlatte and Morgan Griffith have both been reelected easily, sad to say. On a more pleasant note, Bobby Scott has been releected as well, while Gerry Connolly is unopposed. 🙂  Don Beyer is off to a big lead in VA-08, and will win reelection easily of course.
UPDATE 7:37 pm: According to the NY Times, Hillary Clinton leads in Loudoun County by a 56%-39% margin with 26/94 precincts reporting. For comparison purposes, Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney in Loudoun County in 2012 by 4.5 percentage points. As for the House, it’s basically tied between LuAnn Bennett and Barbara Comstock in VA-10 right now.
UPDATE 7:35 pm: From , “13% in and it’s about as tight as it gets. Dem Bennett leads Rep. Comstock 50.1-49.9″ Somehow they’re ahead of both the State Board of Elections and VPAP. I may switch to the NY Times for results.
UPDATE 7:28 pm: As usual, rural/red parts of Virginia reporting first.  With 197/2,559 precincts reporting, it’s now Trump 53.7%-Clinton 40.8%. No results from the heavily blue 8th or 11th, minimal from the heavily blue 3rd.
UPDATE 7:26 pm: Per  – “trump has to win Chesterfield by at least 15k to have any hope in Virginia.”
UPDATE 7:15 pm: With 54/57 precincts reporting, Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump (52.1%-42.2%) in the 7th CD portion of “GOP leaning” Chesterfield County. A good sign. Also from the 7th CD portion of Chesterfield County, Eileen Bedell (D) trails Rep. Dave Brat (R) by 58%-42%. Sigh.
UPDATE 7:11 pm: From  – “Virginia exit poll White with college degree Now: Clinton +1 ’12: Romney +10 Non-college white Now: Trump +44 ’12: Romney +44″
UPDATE 7:08 pm: From “If exit poll in VA is remotely correct — CAVEAT ALERT — Clinton is up 51-43 in Virginia. That’s based off gender data.”

UPDATE 6:42 pm: From  – “Good news for HRC in VA: Obama has 56% approval rating. And only 19% of voters said they’re angry about how federal government is working.”


Our seemingly endless national  nightmare – the 2016 presidential election – is almost over. That is, assuming Hillary Clinton wins big tonight. If not, then we are all completely screwed, because Donald Trump truly is a sociopath, corrupt scumbag, fascistic thug, bigot, etc, etc. But again, hopefully we won’t have to hear much more from his foul mouth – other than a concession speech, hopefully –  after tonight.

Anyway, I’ll be focused on following the election here in Virginia, where polls close at 7 pm. My main source for Virginia election data will be the State Board of Elections website. I’ll also keep an eye on the Fairfax County Board of Elections numbers, as they are sometimes faster than the SBE. I may also peek in now and again at VPAP, depending on how the State Board of Elections website is holding up (note: it usually crashes on election night; we’ll see if this year’s any exception). Oh, and click here for the races I’ll be watching tonight here in Virginia, and how I recommended voting. With that, it’s showtime!

P.S. Other than Clinton/Kaine winning Virginia (I had predicted 7 points, and I’m sticking to that; don’t worry if early returns from rural/red areas indicate a Trump lead — this happens every election cycle here in Virginia, with deep-“blue” areas like Fairfax County and Richmond City coming in late…remember Jim Webb’s midnight victory over George Allen in 2006?), I’m expecting a tight race in VA-10, an easy win for Donald McEachin in VA-04, and hopefully a surprise win for Jane Dittmar in VA-05! We also need to defeat Amendment 1, and I’m hopeful it will be defeated. Let’s hope the inaptly named – but important to fund the schools – “meals tax” passes in Fairfax County and that Joe Morrissey loses in Richmond’s mayoral race.

P.P.S. @geoffreyvs of Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” tweeted some good background info on Virginia earlier today. “The main reason VA has gone from consistently R in pres years to battleground/maybe even Leans D is fairly simple: Northern Virginia. 1968-2012: Share of statewide pres vote fairly constant in Hampton Roads (19.8%-20.6%) & Greater RVA (16.3-17.4%); NoVA 20.9% to 34.0%! And NoVA went from being competitive — GOP won it by 1-2 pts from 1992 to 2000 — to uncompetitive. Obama won by 20 & 16 pts in 2008-12. Fairfax Co., by far the biggest VA locality, is pivotal. In 2012, it provided 13.7% of the state’s total vote & Obama won it by 20.5 pts. FWIW greater NoVA responsible for 86.5% of overall uptick in early absentee voting…One county to watch is Loudoun. It’s big & swingier than Fairfax/PWC. If Clinton is winning Lou by at least 4-5, VA is over. Concern for Ds has to be black turnout, of course. Early absentee numbers are down in many localities with larger black populations. At the same time, absentees are up massively in Prince William Co., which has the third-largest Latino pop of any VA locality (22%). From a broader view, key to winning Virginia is the 3 major metro areas — Northern VA, Greater Richmond, Hampton Roads aka ‘Urban Crescent'”




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