Here are some of the races I’ll be watching in Virginia on Tuesday night, and how I recommend voting. The most important thing, though, is to exercise your precious right to vote!
President of the United States: This is the no-brainer of all no-brainers. Let’s see, we can vote for an utterly unqualified, authoritarian thug and pathological liar (don’t believe me, check out PolitiFact on this one!) or a superbly-qualified, level-headed, brilliant woman? Duhhhhh. Go Hillary and Tim! 🙂
1st CD-11th CD of Virginia: In just about every case, you have the choice between a climate-science-denying, obstructionist, hard-right ideologue (Republicans Rob Wittman, Scott Taylor, Mary Williams, Mike Wade, Tom Garrett, Bob BADlatte, Dave Brat, Charles Herrick, Morgan Griffith, Barbara Comstock) or the infinitely-better Democratic candidate (Matt Rowe, Shaun Brown, Rep. Bobby Scott, State Sen. Donald McEachin, Jane Dittmar, Kai Degner, Eileen Bedell, Rep. Don Beyer, Derek Kitts, LuAnn Bennett; note that Gerry Connolly is unopposed). VOTE DEMOCRATIC any chance you get!
Constitutional Amendment 1: “Would enshrine into the state constitution an existing law that prohibits an agreement between employers and labor unions that sets union membership as a condition of employment.” VOTE NO on this anti-worker, “right-to-be-poor” (as Leslie Byrne correctly called it) garbage.
Constitutional Amendment 2: “Would allow the General Assembly to provide localities with the option of creating a property tax exemption for spouses of public employees killed in line of duty.” I have mixed feelings on this one. Of course, I have no problem with helping the spouses of first responders killed in the line of duty, but I’m not sure why others – teachers, social workers, you name it – aren’t also worthy of such a tax exemption as well.
Richmond City Mayor: The first and most important thing is who NOT to vote for in this race – sexual predator and slimeball Joe Morrissey, who would be an embarrassment/disgrace to Richmond. Just no! Which leaves two possible choices of candidates who realistically have a shot: Levar Stoney or Jack Berry. The best possible outcome for Richmond would be to have one of those two win outright on Tuesday night or to force a runoff against each other in a few weeks. I’m neutral between Stoney and Berry, but again, the most important thing is DO NOT VOTE FOR JOE MORRISSEY.
Virginia State Senate District 1 (special election): The clear choice is Democrat Monty Mason over Republican Thomas Holston or Independent John Bloom.
Virginia House of Delegates District 93 (special election): I recommend a vote for Democrat Michael Mullin over Republican Heather Cordasco.
Arlington County Board, School Board, Bonds: I plan to write someone in, possibly Erik Gutshall, for this one, as I can not bring myself to vote for either of the fatally-flawed candidates (Libby Garvey or Audrey Clement) on the ballot. For School Board, Democrats Nancy Van Doren and Tannia Talento are both excellent choices, which is good since they are unopposed. 🙂 Oh, and also please vote YES on all the bond measures.
Manassas City Council: As explained here, I recommend a vote for Democrats Rex Parr, Pam Sebesky and Marke Wolfe.
Virginia Beach Mayor: I unenthusiastically recommend a vote to reelect Mayor Will Sessoms here, given the lack of serious, progressive opposition. Also, although Sessoms is a Republican, he did endorse Terry McAuliffe for Governor. On the other hand, there’s this. So…meh.
Herndon Mayor: Mayor Lisa Merkel is the obvious choice here for reelection.
Fairfax County Meals Tax: If you care about keeping Fairfax County’s world-class school system at that high level, then obviously it requires funding. A modest meals tax will help provide that funding. See Sharon Bulova’s explanation for why Fairfax County needs this – and please Vote YES. Oh, and vote yes on all the bond measures on the ballot too.
Extending Light Rail in Virginia Beach: Yes, for the reasons outlined here and here and here and here.