From the Northam and Perriello campaigns:
Northam, Perriello Campaigns Announce Joint Appearance and Debate Schedule
Candidates Will Participate in Five Primary Debates, Three Joint Appearances Across Virginia
Today, April 7, the gubernatorial campaigns of Lt. Governor Ralph Northam and former Congressman Tom Perriello are announcing a schedule of five debates and three joint appearances during the Democratic primary. The candidates will kick off their schedule of joint appearances at a forum in Southwest Virginia on April 22, followed by debates in Fairfax, Roanoke, Richmond, Hampton Roads, and Loudoun County, as well as additional forums in Arlington and Charlottesville.
The full schedule of debates and joint appearances is below. Additional information on each will be available soon.
The Democratic primary is June 13.
April 29: Fairfax Democrats and Emerge USA Debate in Fairfax
May 4: Roanoke Valley Democratic Women Debate in Roanoke
May 9: “The People’s Debate” (Sponsored by ProgressVA, VA AFL-CIO, SEIU Virginia 512 and New Virginia Majority) in Richmond
May 16: WHRO, Democratic Business Alliance of Hampton Roads, and Greater Hampton Roads Black DEMOCRATS Debate in Hampton Roads

Joint Appearances
April 22: Democratic Party of Virginia Rural Caucus Forum in Bristol
May 2: Our Revolution Forum in Arlington
May 13: UVA College Democrats Forum in Charlottesville