Tomorrow, Fairfax County voters get to participate in a special election which the GOP cost them $250,000. The allegedly fiscally responsible party had the previous holder of this school board seat retire a few days early; had they waited, this election would have taken place in November along with Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and all 100 House of Delegate seats.
But instead of actually relying on the strength of their candidates, or the power of their ideas, they have to rely on dirty tricks to suppress the vote. They tried to do it to us here in Prince William County, forcing a special election on Tax Day, just two days after Easter. It didn’t work out so well for them, and the GOP Majority Whip in the House of Delegates lost badly.
Let’s make sure tomorrow’s a repeat.
I can’t stress enough the importance of this race. Karen is a great candidate who will:
1) Protect after-school programs from Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos, who want to cut all federal funds to these programs in our schools.
2) Fully fund Fairfax schools so our teachers get the resources they need to give our kids a great education.
3) Enact policies to reduce bullying, so our kids have a safe learning environment.
4) Decrease class sizes so our students receive the attention they need to learn and teachers are better able to support all kids in the classroom.
But beyond fighting for Fairfax County kids, Karen and her election have implications on the House of Delegate races that overlap with her jurisdiction. The Democrats running in the area — including statewide candidates — have been working their butts off for the last month plus getting out the vote for Karen with canvasses, phonebanks, and house parties.
This year no Democrat runs in a silo, and that’s why we’re going to win.

So help us seal the deal, Blue Virginia! Share this far and wide with everyone you know. And if you live in Fairfax, get out to vote tomorrow, tell ten friends to do the same, and get your whole family out too!
If folks need for information, send them this:
Remember to vote at your regular polling place this Tuesday, August 29, between 6am and 7pm. Let’s send Donald Trump and his Republican party a message they won’t forget.
- Click here to find your polling place (some locations have been changed)
- Click here to check your voter registration status
- Click here for a sample ballot
- If you or someone you know needs a ride to the polls or would like to be a driver, click here
(Drivers may be needed to get people to the polls or to deliver supplies to our volunteers.)