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Video: Meet the Immigrant from Peru and New Virginia Delegate Delivering the Democratic Response to Trump En Español


I bet we’ll be hearing a lot of this type of language when Virginia Del. Elizabeth Guzman delivers her response to Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night. Buena suerte, Del. Guzman!

When I think about my life, when I came to this country, I regret not spending enough time with my child.

I’m originally from Peru. I came to this country looking for opportunities for my oldest daughter Pamela.

In order for me to qualify for an apartment, I had to have three jobs. About 105 hours a week. I was happy, but having three jobs, you miss out on raising your child.

My reality is still the reality of people who live in my district.

When I go and knock on doors on the weekends, and I don’t see parents at their home, and I ask their children, “Where are your parents?” And they tell me they are working on a Saturday afternoon, or a Sunday evening, I don’t think Americans should be working three jobs to support their families.

For me, increasing the minimum wage to a living wage is about family. It’s about having parents spend more time with their children. Because it is not right that parents have to choose between food and family.

I am running because my experiences have assured me that anyone who is willing to sacrifice and work hard will be able to achieve the American dream. I came to this country being the least educated person in my family. And today, I have two Masters degrees, and a successful career in public government. That’s what the American dream is about.

I want to go to Richmond to advocate and defend the American dream. To advocate for hard working class like me. And also make Virginia and more welcoming and inclusive place.


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