Home Education Video: Candidates Make Their Pitches for Interim Chairman of PW County School...

Video: Candidates Make Their Pitches for Interim Chairman of PW County School Board


The interim chair appointment to the Prince William County School Board follows the resignation several weeks ago of former chair Ryan Sawyers. Candidates included in this video are: Lucy Beauchamp, Kristi Black, Shawn Brann, Justin Caron, Langston Carter, Doreen Dauer, John Gray, John Kribbs, Barbara Larrimore, Babur Lateef, Sarah Pitkin, Kevin Raymond, Heather Steele, Judge London Steverson, Richard D. Wellman, Lori Williams and Lisa Zargarpur. Personally, while I think many of these candidates are impressive (see here for more information on them), my pick for this position is Babur Lateef, who I’ve known for years, including supporting him in his run against Corey Stewart in 2011, and who I believe would do a great job. See below the video for highlights from Babur Lateef’s CV relevant to why he’d make an excellent PW County School Board chair.

CV Highlighting Relevant Education Experience (Supplement to normal CV which is attached)

University of Virginia, Board of Visitors Member – Term 7/16 – 7/20
Chair, Audit, Compliance, Risk Committee
                                    Vice Chair, Health System Board
Student Life, Commonwealth Engagement, Research Committees
Finance, Advancement Committees – Past Member
UVA NOVA Task Force – Member

SPARK Foundation  – Board of Directors
(Supporting Partnerships and Resources for Kids)
The Education Foundation for Prince William County Schools
Board of Directors 7/16 – 7/19

PTO Member – Marshall Elementary School 2010 – Present
PTO Member – Louise Benton Middle School 2014 – Present
PTO Member  – Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology 2017 – Present

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Partnership Fund – Supporter

My children have participated in many of our local sports leagues.  I have supported each one of them in differing capacities, including sponsorships and volunteering and as a fan!
Northern Virginia Soccer Club (NVSC)
Coles Little League
Prince William Royals Lacrosse
Eastern Prince William Basketball Association (EPWBA)
Greater Manassas Baseball League
Apollo Gymnastics
Meadowbrook Makos Swim Team
Cub Scouts at Marshall Elementary School
Girls Scouts at Marshall Elementary School

Our children have participated in summer camps held by:
Prince William Park Authority
Systemic Solutions Robotics Camps
George Mason University – Prince William Campus
Center for the Arts of Greater Manassas/Prince William County at the Candy Factory

Career day Marshall Elementary School, Louise Benton Middle School
Various PTO Activities at all the schools listed above
Spanish Club Marshall Elementary
Benton Middle School Robotics Team
Judge at the Prince William Regional Science Fair

My wife, Tarannum Lateef MD, MPH, has served in a number of educational settings that I believe are important in my understanding of education in PWC and the Commonwealth of Virginia.  She is the only Pediatric Neurologist in PWC and her expertise is in neurodevelopment and childhood headaches.  She sees many of the county’s students who have suffered from concussions and many children needing Individualized Educational Programs (IEP). Her educational service is listed below:

George Washington University School of Medicine Faculty Member
Virginia SOL Reform and Education Committee, Member 2016-2018
Superintendent’s Advisory Council Representative from Marshall ES and Benton MS
Science Textbook Selection Committee, Prince William County Schools
Helping Develop a Math Extension Program Marshall ES.
Worked to bring Science Enrichment Pilot Program at Benton Middle School
Introduce a Girl to Engineering and Math (GEMS), Volunteer and Speaker
Prince William County-Manassas Regional Science Fair, Judge, Volunteer
Spanish Club organizer at Marshall ES
School Volunteer, Career Day Speaker


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