Home 2020 Elections New Poll of the New Hampshire 2020 Democratic Primary Finds TMac in...

New Poll of the New Hampshire 2020 Democratic Primary Finds TMac in Last Place, No Matter Who’s in the Field


First of all, let me just state that this doing a poll in early May 2018 of New Hampshire presidential primary 2020 is highly dubious, as we have basically no idea what things will look like by the time New Hampshire voters head to the polls in almost two years. Also, as Oliver Willis points out, “new 2020 poll in new hampshire shows new england senator is well known in new england, highlights ongoing stupidity of letting new hampshire and iowa control so much of the nomination process.” LOL

So why am I posting about this new Suffolk U poll of the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary? Two reasons. First, it’s a slow news day. Ha ha. Second, the Suffolk U folks include former Virginia governor – and likely Democratic presidential candidate in 2020 – Terry McAuliffe in their poll.

So with that, see below for the results, which find TMac at just 1.7% of the vote among seven possible candidates (the others being Joe Biden 29.8%, Bernie Sanders 25.4%, Cory Booker 10.2%, Deval Patrick 8.1%, Kamala Harris 6.1%, Kirsten Gillibrand 3.4%). Add in Sen. Elizabeth Warren, from neighboring Massachusetts, and she leads with 25.8%, followed by Biden (20.0%), Sanders (12.5%), Booker (8.1%), Harris (4.1%), Patrick (3.7%), Gillibrand (2.4%) and TMac (2.0%).  In short, there’s not much groundswell among New Hampshire Dems – or my guess, Dems in any state, other than possibly our own (and even there, I doubt it – lol) for TMac 2020. Of course, if TMac gets in, he’ll probably raise and spend a ton of money, but I really just don’t think he’s where Democratic voters’ heads and hearts are at right now. But again, it’s very early, so who knows…we’ve all seen stranger things, including “President*” Trump. Ugh.


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