Home Campaign Finance Reform Virginia Delegate Provides “Direct Evidence” Campaign Contributions DO “come with an expectation...

Virginia Delegate Provides “Direct Evidence” Campaign Contributions DO “come with an expectation of voting a particular way”


For anyone who argues that corporations give money to politicians without the expectation that those politicians will vote their way, check this out. And consider that in Virginia, corporations – including ones with business before the General Assembly – can give UNLIMITED amounts of money to candidates and elected officials. And no, corporations don’t give money out of altruism of because they’re such nice people or whatever; they expect something in return for their investment, obviously. Next time you have a chance, you might want to let your delegate and/or State Senator know that you want this situation to change – ASAP.

Dear Caroline,

Last year, very early in my campaign, I signed a pledge not to accept money from the big power companies, because I believe these large utility companies have historically had too much influence over the public policy that affects the most basic part of our everyday life – energy. While I believe my votes in the General Assembly will be based on research and the determination of whether or not the bill at hand would be best policy and not related to a single contributor, this symbolic gesture was important to me.

Many people have since tried to convince myself and other Delegates who, like me, do not accept donations from these utilities, that this money does not come with an expectation of voting a particular way. Unfortunately, I have received direct evidence that this is untrue.

So there you have it! All I can say is that in every way, I am doing my part. I am working hard, attending events in the community, meeting with constituents to problem solve, reaching out to our students and community members to acknowledge their successes and challenges, and keeping you all abreast of what is going on in and around the General Assembly.

I need you to help me, and I need this help now. We have more letters to mail, walk cards to print, and a war chest to build. Despite the fact that we were outspent five to one last year, the political machine operates as it always has, and the strength of a candidate is judged by the funds raised. This judgement will be made based on the money I raise as of June 30, 2018.

I will always maintain my integrity as a public servant working on your behalf, but please recognize that this seat is going to be challenged in 2019, and the fight starts now.

Our filing deadline is June 30th at 11:59pm. Will you help us reach this period’s goal of raising $25,000? Any and all amounts help – truly.

Sincerely yours,

Delegate Dawn M. Adams, Nurse Practitioner
Virginia House of Delegates – District 68

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