Home Dominion Power “Apparently, intends to build the entire project on this incautious...

“Apparently, [Dominion] intends to build the entire [ACP] project on this incautious and non compliant basis”


From the Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative, Allegheny-Blue Ridge Alliance…more appalling (but not surprising in the least bit) behavior from Dominion Energy.

The Pipeline Air Force, a component of the Pipeline Compliance Surveillance Initiative (CSI), has conducted multiple surveillance flights over Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) construction areas in West Virginia in recent months.

The CSI photos of ACP construction reveal that installation of runoff and erosion and sediment controls is occurring after rather than before or concurrent with construction-related earth disturbance. Our studies of previous pipeline projects, along with continuing reports of problems with other pipelines under construction in the region, indicate that delayed installation of runoff and erosion and sediment controls is standard industry practice and a major cause of water resource degradation.

Dominion Energy has taken this delayed approach to installation of environmental controls in the first phases of ACP construction. Apparently it intends to build the entire project on this incautious and non compliant basis.

More information, including aerial photos, is provided on the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition website:  see Industry-Standard Noncompliance.
ACP Construction, Upshur County, West Virginia

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