Home 2019 Elections Video: Spanberger Campaign Releases Second General Election TV Ad, “Commitment”

Video: Spanberger Campaign Releases Second General Election TV Ad, “Commitment”


From the Abigail Spanberger for Congress campaign:

Spanberger Campaign Releases Second General Election TV Ad, “Commitment”

HENRICO, VA — Today, Abigail Spanberger, the Democratic nominee for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, released her second television ad of the general election. The 30 second TV spot follows the release of her first ad, “Values,” and details her time in federal law enforcement and her abiding belief in service to country.

“I’m running for Congress now because I believe we need people who are committed to service,” Spanberger says in the ad. “Understanding what a profound responsibility it is to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution.”

“Throughout her career, Abigail has embodied what it means to serve with distinction, integrity, and honesty. This ad captures what she stood for during her time in federal law enforcement and at the CIA, and what she will stand for in Congress,” said Dana Bye, Spanberger’s Campaign Manager.

The release of this ad follows historic fundraising numbers and several high-profile endorsements, including EMILY’s List, End Citizens United, Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, Governor Ralph Northam, and Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. A full list of endorsements can be found here. Abigail will face Republican Congressman Dave Brat in November.

Abigail Spanberger is a former CIA officer and the Democratic nominee running for Congress against Dave Brat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. She believes in leadership that flows from our shared American values of integrity, responsibility, and decency, and she wants to work to move this country forward together. To learn more, please visit AbigailSpanberger.com.



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