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The Truth About Republican Tax Cuts: They Blow Up the Deficit and the Debt


by Bert Berlin

My representative (Dave Brat), in a recent newsletter, brags about the Republican tax-cutting bills he has voted for this week. He also brags about the major Republican tax bill that he voted for last year. He says that the 2017 bill has given each of us an extra $2,000 to spend. But, is Brat leaving something out?

1. Brat doesn’t tell us about the billions of dollars that these tax bills have given and will give to corporations and individuals who already have huge amounts of wealth.

2. Brat doesn’t tell us that the tax cuts in last year’s tax bill (H.R. 1) will require the United States to borrow an additional $1.8 trillion over ten years to make up for the lost revenue.

3. Brat doesn’t tell us that the tax cuts in one of the bills (H.R. 6760) he voted for this week will require the United States to borrow an additional $630 billion to make up for lost revenue just in the first ten years. The yearly borrowing after that will be $300 billion or more every year indefinitely into the future.

4. Brat doesn’t tell us that two other bills he voted for (H.R. 6756 and H.R. 6757) will require borrowing of another $26 billion over ten years.

Republicans in the House of Representatives have an uncontrollable appetite to spend borrowed money. And, even worse, they’re giving most of it to the wealthy. They toss us a $2,000 bone (and I won’t believe that until I file my tax return next year) and they expect us to thank them by reelecting them. Don’t think so!

I hope you’re not gonna let our Republicans in the House get away with borrowing trillions of dollars just to make themselves and their friends richer. Obviously, they cannot be trusted to represent you and me. You need to vote Democratic on November 6.

(based on a submission to Richmond2Day)


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