Home 2019 Elections VA-06 Democratic Nominee Jennifer Lewis Denounces Ben Cline’s Fallacious TV Attack Ads

VA-06 Democratic Nominee Jennifer Lewis Denounces Ben Cline’s Fallacious TV Attack Ads


Speaking of pathological liars; it’s not just Dave Brat, it’s also Ben Cline (hard-right Republican) in VA-06, who’s running ridiculous, over-the-top attack ads against Democratic nominee Jennifer Lewis (see her campaign’s press release, below). Why is Cline doing this? I mean, I get why Brat is hysterical, as polling shows his race as neck and neck, and as he just got his butt kicked by Abigail Spanberger in their recent debate.

What about Ben Cline, who as the Lewis campaign correctly argues has absolutely no credibility on health care and whose “hallmark achievement in healthcare was his transvaginal ultrasound bill?” Does he have internal polling numbers that are making him worry, even in the deep-red sixth CD? I mean, if he were confident, wouldn’t he just stay positive? It’s also fascinating that Cline is attacking Lewis on health care of all things, given that this has been an area where Republicans have been completely incompetent, unable to agree within their party on any sort of coherent approach, voting to weaken protections for people with pre-existing conditions, etc. Meanwhile, I’d note that Ben Cline basically has no clue on healthcare, other than to bash “Obamacare,” which by the way now has a positive approval rating of 49%-42% or even higher (54%-43% according to Fox, of all people!).

With that, here’s the Lewis campaign’s press release on Cline’s TV attack ads:

Jennifer Lewis Denounces Ben Cline’s Attacks on Television

(Staunton) – Over the weekend, the Lewis campaign learned through Bloomberg reporting that Ben Cline is now attacking Jennifer on television. Several Lewis supporters have also reported seeing the ad in the Roanoke market. This is the first attack ad to appear on radio or television in Virginia’s Sixth District congressional race.

In response, Jennifer Lewis issued the following statement today:

“I’m disappointed – but not surprised – that Ben Cline has decided to go negative and attack me on TV. Instead of making a positive case for his candidacy, Cline is resorting to failed, partisan politics that make it harder for us to come together and solve problems in our communities.”

The television ad, which focuses on healthcare, includes images of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. Although Sen. Sanders is not involved in the Sixth District race, and Jennifer Lewis has publicly insisted she will not support Rep. Pelosi for Speaker of the House, Delegate Cline continues to fixate on these national figures.

Lewis campaign manager, Josh Stanfield, questioned the attack. “Ben Cline, who fought tooth and nail against expanding affordable healthcare for nearly half a million Virginians, has no credibility when it comes to healthcare,” Stanfield said. “His hallmark achievement in healthcare was his transvaginal ultrasound bill – which forced the government between women and their healthcare providers.”


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