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Video: New TV Ads for Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07) and Elaine Luria (D-VA02) – “Superhero” and “Commodore”


Two new TV ads are up this morning in VA-07 and VA-02, both districts that Democrats have a good shot at taking back on 11/6. Let’s do it!

Spanberger Campaign Releases New TV Ad, “Superhero”

HENRICO, VA — Today, Abigail Spanberger, Democratic nominee for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, released a new television ad, the 15th of her campaign. Titled “Superhero”, this 30 second TV spot opens with Spanberger’s three daughters Claire, Charlotte, and Catherine.

“Our mom was in the CIA,” Claire says in the ad. “She started my Girl Scout Troop.”

“She’s like a superhero,” Charlotte responds.

“I’m not a superhero,” Abigail states. “I am a former CIA Officer and a mom.”

“This ad highlights the job Abigail is most proud of: being a dedicated mother to her three girls,” Campaign Manager Dana Bye said. “She is committed to strengthening the 7th district by making it more equitable and prosperous for all Virginia families. Her strong ties in the community and her commitment to public service guide this campaign and will inform Abigail’s decision-making in Congress as she seeks common-sense solutions.”

The release of this ad follows record-breaking fundraising numbers and several high-profile endorsements, including EMILY’s List, End Citizens United, Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, Governor Ralph Northam, and Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. A full list of endorsements can be found here. Abigail will face Republican Congressman Dave Brat in November.

Abigail Spanberger is a former CIA officer and the Democratic nominee running for Congress against Dave Brat in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. She believes in leadership that flows from our shared American values of integrity, responsibility, and decency, and she wants to work to move this country forward together. To learn more, please visit AbigailSpanberger.com


RELEASE: Elaine Luria Launches Her Latest TV Ad, “Commodore”

Virginia Beach, VA — Today, Elaine Luria released her eighth TV ad of the general election, “Commodore.” The ad features Captain Mike Ott, the former Commodore of Naval Beach Group 2 in Norfolk. “I’m a lifelong Republican but, this year, I’m doing something I’ve never done before – I’m voting for a Democrat,” said Captain Ott.

Elaine served with Capt. Ott while she was in the Navy, where he witnessed first hand her leadership skills and her commitment to serving her country. The full ad can be viewed here:

“Capt. Ott is an example of putting country over party this election cycle,” said Elaine Luria. “I am honored by his trust in me and proud to have earned his vote.”


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