Home Women Video: “Tampon Tree” in Fairfax City Brings in 25,000 Feminine Hygiene Products...

Video: “Tampon Tree” in Fairfax City Brings in 25,000 Feminine Hygiene Products to Aid Women’s Shelters


Great to see the “Tampon Tree” – an initiative by Ben Tribbett and his firm, TRR Group, in conjunction with BRAWS (‘Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters”) – getting news coverage. It’s also great to see so many donations pouring in (I donated a couple weeks ago; you can donate online here), with the tree – and office – basically overflowing at this point.  As the WDVM story explains: “Since 2015, founder of BRAWS, Holly Seibold has been distributing menstrual supplies to women and girls in shelters. Within two weeks, she’s collected more than 25,000 products with the help of her world famous tampon tree but she says her mission is to do more than just distribute tampons and bras.” Awesome!


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